November 11, 2006
When we woke up on November 10th, it was a normal day. But when we came down to breakfast, Susie thought she felt her water break. We weren't sure and I had a full day in the office so I headed out to work and she went to the hospital. After I had rounded in the hospital and was heading to my office I got a phone call from her telling me she was getting admitted! All I could think was, "Today is finally the day?!" After a day of labor, Caleb was born on 11/11/06 at 12:16 a.m. He was 7 lb 5 oz, 19 inches long and very cute.
This is Josh's baby picture
This is Susie's baby picture
The first picture!
Welcome, little Caleb!
Our first family photo
Ama is so happy too!
7 lb 5 oz
Love at first sight
Proud Daddy
Snuggling with Mommy